Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions, along with all other terms and legal notices located on www.schoolskey.com (collectively, "Terms"), govern your use of www.schoolskey.com (the "Website"). If you do not understand and agree to be bound by all Terms, do not use this Website.

Your use of this Website at anytime constitutes a binding agreement by you to abide by these Terms.

  1. Schools Key is an information oriented site and does not undertake any kind of mediation, liaising, role of a middle agency on behalf of the public or the user.
  2. Schools Key, to the best of its ability, has tried to provide and display information on schools/institutions.  But Schools Key does not guarantee you an error free information, such unforeseen errors in whatsoever manner it may be, are bound to creep in any data, and it could be an error in the source itself.
  3. Schools Key, in order to disseminate correct information has, to its belief, tried to display authenticated information obtained from different sources.
  4. Such display of information does not in any manner whatsoever guarantee the user that all the required information that the user may need are made available.
  5. The user shall use his/her discretion in the search, planning and decision making with regard to admission, etc.
  6. Schools Key shall not be liable for any lack of information about an institution/school and it will be incumbent on the user to access or get any other additional information or correct information.
  7. Schools Key is neither involved either directly or indirectly in any process of admission into schools not it will play a recommendatory role.
  8. Mere display and presence of the information about the school/s does not imply either direct or indirect promotion or endorsement of such institution or school.
  9. Schools Key does not collect any mony/ies from anybody/user/public or otherwise for accessing and viewing the sire.  Users are advised to exercise caution and be alert.
  10. Schools Key does not undertake liability for any misleading links provided by any school/institutions.
  11. Schools Key advises the users of the site of Schools Key to keep track of the developments in the school education system and fee regulations in the respective states/countries.
  12. Schools Key also suggests that the users of Schools Key site to visit the site of respective state governments’ Department of Education/Director of School Education, respective sites of the Boards to update themselves of the latest notifications, rules and regulations governing the schools in respective states.
  13. Schools Key will not liable for any erroneous information, posts by any public, user or any person or corporate or institution either through the social media, blogs or otherwise.

Restrictions Regarding Materials

  1.  Schools Key  hereby makes it clear that all information, documents, software, images, text, services (collectively, "Materials") contained in Schools Key.com are sourced through various medium and developers ("Third Party Providers") and are the copyrighted work of Schools Key and/or the Third Party Providers.
  2. Except as stated herein, no materials can be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of Schools Key.  No part of the Website, including logos, graphics, sounds or images, may be reproduced or retransmitted in any way, or by any means, without the prior express written permission of Schools Key.
  3. Materials provided by Third Party Providers have not been independently authenticated in whole or in part by Schools Key.

Disclaimer for websites that we link to

Schools Key explicitly disclaim, and shall not accept any responsibility for any of the below mentioned circumstances/situations:

  • Computer viruses infected sites
  • Potential threat of damage by downloading software.
  • Any problems relating to technical aspects, and the operational speed of operation.
  • Any materials which are not legal

Warranty Disclaimer: 

Schools Keyhereby expresses its explicit disclaim warranties of any kind for any use of or any access to Schools Key site, to content or information  presented on the web pages at Schools Key, to any external website linked thereto, and to any external material, information, links, or content linked thereto.

Limitation of liability:

Schools Key hereby makes it clear that under no legal circumstances, tort, contract, or otherwise shall make itself liable without limitation, for any damages whatsoever, whether be it indirect/direct or consequential or damages, which may arise out of inaccessibility use Schools Key website. 


Any disputes, legal or otherwise, arising  shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Chennai where Schools Key operates www.schoolskey.com from its office and headquarters.

The user or public shall be responsible for complying with the local laws of the respective locations, states or country


  1.  Changes are periodically made to the Website.

Schools Key does not guarantee that the material, information, links, and content presented on and by www.schoolskey.com is or complete or complete or comprehensive or otherwise.

The material, information, links, and content presented on and by this website should not be considered as professional, legal, business, financial, investment, or purchasing advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

Links to schools are provided as a convenience and do not necessarily constitute, signify, or otherwise imply an endorsement by, or an endorsement for, or a relationship with, or connection to Schools Key.

  1. People from different parts of the country and globe may be accessing Schools Key.com.  Hence this site of Schools Key shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India only.
  2. Schools Keyreserves absolute right to modify the Terms at any time without notice or consent by updating this posting.


Nothing on any Schools Key website shall be construed as conferring any license under any of Schools Key's or any third party's intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise.


As per the Information Technology Act, 2000, Section 2 (w), Schools Key.com is an intermediary.  Hence Schools Key shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained on Schools Key website, and reserves the right to make changes anytime without notice.

Views expressed by the users are their own, Schools Key does not endorse the same. Schools Key will not be liable for any claim to the accuracy and correctness of the information.


Planning and Decision Disclaimer

Decisions should be your own:

If you are making important admission or planning decisions, you shall make first hand due diligence about the institution/school before making your important admission or planning decisions.

All decisions made would be entirely your prerogative and Schools Key does not claim to offer any advice, either legal or financial.

Use of this Website is at your own risk, and the Schools Key will not be held liable for any errors or omissions contained in this Website. In no event, shall the Schools Key be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits whether contract, negligence or any tort action arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of the information available from www.SchoolsKey.com.

Schools Key may, without notice in its sole discretion, and at any time, terminate or restrict your use or access to Schools Key.com (or any part thereof) and/or take down any content uploaded by you for any reason, including, without limitation, that Schools Key based on its judgement and perception believes you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of these Terms and Conditions.